Victory Outreach UK Applications
General Application
Please note all application forms can be completed online.
- Click on the relavent form.
- Scroll either at the top or the bottom of the page.
- Move the mouse curser around and hover over the page.
- Click the third icon from the left that appears .
- Please contact our office if you need any assistance
Email :
If the individual is currently serving (or has recently) a custodial sentence, support for the application must be given by a Probation Officer, Chaplain, Resettlement Worker, CARAT Worker or a relative of the individual.
In other circumstances support for an application may be given by a Social Worker, family member or medical professional.
We accept applications from a wide spectrum of people – including recovering drug addicts, alcoholics and ex-offenders. Victory Outreach UK has strict rules to which all residents must adhere to – including continued abstinence from alcohol or illegal substances, respect for others (including zero tolerance towards violent or abusive behaviour), and the following of structured routines and activities as individually determined. To know more about our house rules please read our application forms and speak to one of our liaisons, or if you are enquiring to become a referer ask for an information pack on 01495 212516 or fax 01495 212 571 or email : .
Victory Outreach UK. The Bush Hotel. High Street. Abertillery. Gwent. NP131DD